Kelsey and I have been best friends since we were 9 years old - most of our lives. Through every season, the crazy ones, the hard ones, the great ones - she has been by my side and I am so grateful for her friendship, she is truly one of kind.
When it comes to motherhood, she is a natural. Being a mama suits her beautifully. I truly look up to her (and call her all the time with my first-time-mom questions!).
I think that this season, the season filled with scraped knees, baby giggles, first words, first days of school, tears, triumphs, accomplishments, stepping stones, the season where our babies take up our days and our nights... this season is my favorite and I couldn't do it without the support of my best friend.
So Belsy, here's to forever friendships. Love ya and those babies bunches.